First Assignment

My first impression of the article, Demystifying Writing Misconceptions, was that I can definitely relate to most of the points and I can see that it would be useful to think about my attitudes about writing before I even get started. It was interesting to read that good writers are not born with a special talent, but they have to work hard to write and revise their thoughts, just like I do. I was also glad to read that it is a good idea to have other people help you by reading what you have written, because they might be able to give you some tips on how to make your essay better. My experiences with writing have usually involved practicing five paragraph essays for the purpose of passing MCAS tests. One memorable piece of writing that I did was an essay about a family vacation and I think because I had a personal connection to the topic I was able to do an excellent job on the assignment. On the other hand, when I am confused about the topic or I do not think I can come up with enough information to write a five paragraph essay I am not confident about the paper. In the article, “What is Academic Writing?” it mentions that everyone can improve as a writer and I would like to improve in the areas of grammar and becoming more creative. As far as my strengths, I have knowledge of research skills and experience doing papers in Chicago and MLA styles. I have never written a blog before, but I do like to type. I find it useful to actually write my thoughts down on paper before I type it.

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